Tuesday, October 31, 2006

We got a new road, we got it good,,,

Things have been a bit mad here the last couple of days, they have been putting in a new road which meant they shut Eagle street! Anyhoo, two days later they are just outside now clearing up and painting the lines on the road. We certainly won't miss the noise and the earthquakes every time a roller went by, Rikki played me Ozric Tentacles for the first time just as the huge roller trundled past the shop, I commented that the bass on the Ozrics album was amazing!

Now that the roadlayers have packed up and moved on Rikki and I are fighting through the comedown from the fumes to sort out our rather fantastic new range of McFarlane figures. We've just got a huge stock in for Christmas, we've got several Elvises (or should that be 'Elvi'?) We've got Ozzies, again, should that be 'Ozzi'? Anyone, enough of this rubbish, it must be the fumes making me talk shite!

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